Monday, November 10, 2008


The taper weeks have finally begun! I backed it off a bit last week and will ease off even more this week. My legs definately need it. My left ankle has been a bit sore. (a little tendonitis in my big flat feet I guess). I start packing stuff up this week as I need to get my bike to the shop by Saturday. It is shipped down in a truck along with a lot of other bikes and gear. Tribike transport is a great service that allows bikes to be shipped down for big races without breaking the bike down into a box and hoping the airlines don't destroy it.

Alek is excited to be going on a "big jet." Kaden is over his sore throat and back at school again. We are praying everyone stays healthy these final two weeks!

It is hard to believe that "the day" is almost here. It seems like there is still so much to do, but I will be ready. Thank you all for your support and love along the way.

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